
studs pin

You’re in the right place for studs pin.By now you already know that, whatever you are looking for, you’re sure to find it on JXstuds.we guarantee that it’s here on JXstuds.
One of the core benefit offered by this product is its good durability and lifespan. The density and layer thickness of this product make it have better compression ratings over life. .
We aim to provide the highest quality studs pin.for our long-term customers and we will actively cooperate with our customers to offer effective solutions and cost benefits.
  • What's studs welding?
    What's studs welding?
    Zhuzhou Jinxin Studs Co., Ltd with more than 5000 square meters of standardized factory and got more than 20 national patents. Our company have built a perfect car tire studs production and testing line: independent R&D and production tire studs pin line, automatic production tire studs set line, non-standard tire studs customized processing line, automatic assembly line of tire studs finished products, automatic packaging line, quality inspection line of tire studs finished products.
  • Pneumatic Tire Studs Gun
    Pneumatic Tire Studs Gun
    Zhuzhou Jinxin had built a perfect car tire studs production and testing line: independent R&D and production tire studs pin line, automatic production tire studs set line, non-standard tire studs customized processing line, automatic assembly line of tire studs finished products, automatic packaging line, quality inspection line of tire studs finished products.
  • What's the material of tire studs' pin?
    What's the material of tire studs' pin?
    All of us know that tire studs is made of tungsten carbide pin and steel or aulumin body. do you know what's the tungsten carbide?
  • What is tire Studs?
    What is tire Studs?
    Tungsten Carbide Tire studs is made of tungsten carbide pin and steel /aluminum studs body. Tungsten Carbide is the material  mainly wear-resistant and low-temperature resistant , High hardness and other characteristics, which is used as a studs pin to ensure the wear resistance and longer service life of the product
Just tell us your requirements, we can do more than you can imagine.

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